Art Shows Featuring Work From The Collection
Having a show, my very first, to not only launch my creative passion but to also gauge the public's response to seeing me in a new way, created a sensation of fear and exhilaration.
The show introducing the "Worlds within Worlds" Collection, was just that. I exhibited in a friend's studio space in downtown Sarasota, with 30 11x14 framed metallic prints under glass, and 5 30x36 framed ones. I advertised extensively, had it catered, offered Valet since I knew it would be stormy, and then thoroughly enjoyed a great evening, with sales. I loved every minute of it and felt so much gratitude for all the help, support and positive responses, as that meant I had something viable and could afford to keep going.
I then had two shows at Design Services Sarasota which were a great opportunity to test out what I was experimenting with: printing on large metal sheets (recycled aluminum), and printing on canvas. They were exciting shows as I was combining the introduction of the metal, which has a very contemporary look, with my latest work from a trip to Tokyo and new work featuring some pieces from Sarasota, as people had been asking! I was realizing more and more, that as people were considering pieces they often chose images from their favorite places.
Subsequently I then showed in Atlanta at AmericasMart with my own booth and have also been featured in the North Carolina High Point Market showrooms at Wesley Hall.
As I continued the evolution of my experimentation with different surfaces, I had a pop-up event at Paint Nail Bar Sarasota and a show at the Sarasota Orchestra's Harmony Gallery, where I introduced metallic canvas. With it’s shimmery, pearly finish I featured specific images from recent travels to New York for the holiday windows and the abstract Pucci images I had taken in Palm Beach. I also introduced Worlds within Worlds Art meets Fashion, with images from the Collection printed and then stitched to the backs of jackets, creating a very unique fashion statement.
I currently am featured in Sarasota with Alex At International and with Rosenbaum Fine Art, in Boca Raton.
Sarasota Orchestra’s Harmony Gallery Show
Nov/Dec 2019
Shows to date have been held at SHS Design Sarasota and on two occasions, at Design Services Sarasota, featuring imagery under glass, on canvas and metal.
Show space at Atlanta Market
High Point Market: Chicago. Sephora Window Reflection
High Point Market: Palm Beach.. Lace Abstract Window Reflection's #1, 2 and 3
High Point Market: Palm Beach. Lace Abstract Window Reflection's 1, 2 and 3
Rfa Decor, Rosenbaum Fine Art: Turin. Hermés Window Reflection #1
Rfa Decor, Rosenbaum Fine Art: New York. Chanel/Tourneau Window Reflection and Turin. Hermes Window Reflection #2